An approach is a theory about language learning or even a philosophy of how people learn in general. They can be psychologically focused such as behaviorism or cognitivism. They can also be based on older philosophies such as idealism or realism.
Approaches are fuzzy and hard to define because they are broad in nature. An example of an approach that leads to a method would be the philosophies of scholasticism, faculty of psychology, or even perennialism. Each of these philosophies encouraged the development of the mind in the way of a muscle. Train the brain and a person would be able to do many different things. These philosophies have impacted some methods of language teaching as we will see below.
A method is an application of an approach in the context of language teaching. An example of a method is the grammar-translation method. This method employs the memorization of various grammar rules and the translation of second language material to the students native language. Students were able to develop the intellectual capacity to understand the new language through a deductive process of acquiring the rules of the language.The purpose is not to critique this method but to show how it was derive from the approach that the mind needs to be trained through intellectual exercises to be able to accomplish something.
is a procedure or skill for completing a specific task. I'd imagine
this would be used for predictable events, ie. solving a long division
Techniques: These are the little sneaky tricks we all know and use to
get the job done in the classroom. Teachers all over have systems of
rewards/punishments for students who comply and exceed or defy and lag
behind. If a classroom is becoming distracted a teacher may use the
technique of silent reading or shared reading to try to rope them in
again. Another may choose to use a quick physical activity to distract
their distraction and get them all to do the same thing at the same time
- then quickly direct them back to work. This is really where someone
with loads of experience can help another teacher improve her abilities.
These are the tricks that can be taught to another teacher. Sort of "I
find this really helps during math class" type of suggestions. Also a
lot of the in-services and workshops all teachers attend offer little
tidbits of games, activites, and actions that teachers can use to
achieve certain goals in the classroom. Everything from sending a note
home to mom and a trip to the principal's office to giving out 'points'
for good behaviour are examples of techniques teachers can use to keep ahead of the pack.
usually requires some sort of planning. You'd probably use strategy
when faced with a new situation, ie. the strategy to win a game.
A plan of action designed to achieve an overall aim.
means a method. Such as when playing a football game, "That was a great
strategy! It always works!" or when playing a video "Ok, our strategy
is to go around the enemy".
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